Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday December 10, 2010

CPT, I want to mention each one of you in this blog so that you know that I am not just letting you get away with wasting hours in this class.  IF YOU CANNOT BE WORKING ON YOUR FINAL PROJECT YOU NEED TO BE WORKING ON SOMETHING ELSE. 

Jeff, it snowed.  GET SOME FOOTAGE THIS WEEKEND OR I AM GONNA BE MAD.  Mitch and Casey, same goes for you two.  You already have some, but you need more.  You may sign out a camera if you can't find your own.  Just remember to be careful.

Austin and Kelsey, you should already have a song.  GET TO WORK.

Cole - you may take a camera when there are practices or games.  You need to get something on film before Christmas holidays.

Zach, Connor, and Trey, you are on your own for getting footage, I hope you are working on this at home!!!!

Teala and Kassidy, stay off your phones and make sure you are working.  I haven't read your proposal, but I know the idea of it, and you need to get started.

Caitlyn, Amy, Salome, Britain, Kaylee, Amber, Courtney, Isaac, Daniel, and Rorey, I wish I had had the chance to speak to each one of you this week to see how things are going, if you are changing your minds, if you have your storyboard done, if you have a good start on your idea..... so be ready Monday to be bombarded by my questions.

Have a great weekend and I will see you Monday.      

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey CPT.  I am not in again today.  Your teacher today has a list of everyone that I would be talking to today..... No inappropriate surfin.  That includes random Youtube and car buying websites and emails on car buying.  Check with your teacher to see if you are on the list.  Have a great day.  See you Friday.  :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Monday November 29, 2010

Hey guys.  Not here today.  Sorry 'bout that. 

Teala, Kassidy, Trey, Connor, Kelsey, Cole and those I have forgotten..... you need to get your picture projects done and hand in your proposals for your final project.  NOW!!!

All the other proposals I have received are okay.  You may proceed.  And if there are things that need to be 'tweeked' we will talk when I get back. 

Everyone else, and YOU KNOW WHO I AM TALKING TO, stay on task, get to work.  If you can't work on your project, you NEED to go get something to work on.  And I know all your teachers.  If you do nothing this hour and I ask around and find out otherwise, you will be sorry.  :)

Have a great day and I will see you on Tuesday. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Final Project Evaluation


STUDENT: ___________________________

CONCEPT                            VERY LOW  AVERAGE   VERY HIGH

PREPRODUCTION              2          4          6          8          10
-Storyboard, script, plan, proposal etc

RAW VIDEO                         2          4          6          8          10
-Quality of video, steady camera shots, camera level

SOUND/MUSIC                    1          2          3          4          5
-Choice of music/sound, appropriate to video, etc

EDITED VIDEO                   2          4          6          8          10
-Quality of cuts, effects on video, etc

TRANSITIONS                     1          2          3          4          5
-Appropriate to content, speed, “adds to project”

ORGANIZATION                 1          2          3          4          5
-Clips are in logical order 

APPROPRIATE CONTENT 1          2          3          4          5
-Content is clean, and technically rated G.

TOTAL _______/45    =               %

Proposal Ideas

Types of Projects:

Family Video
All About Me
Picture Portfolio
"These are a few of my favourite things"
Music Video


Monday, November 15, 2010

Proposal for Final Project

Answer the following:

Who is in it?
What is it about?
When will you be filming?
Where will you be filming?
Why are you doing this project?
How many problems can you see yourself having getting this project done?  What can we do to make sure everything goes smoothly?

Email to me as soon as you are done.  I might say no and you might have to start over.  :)

Happy Planning!

(Marking Scheme to follow)